Consent Applications
Other Services
- Divorce
- Property Disputes
- Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Financial Agreements including Pre-and Post-Nuptial or Cohabitation Agreements
- De facto Relationships
- Spousal and Partner Maintenance
- Adult Child Maintenance
- Child Support
- Care of Children
- Consent Applications
- Enforcement of Agreements & Orders
- Wills
If you reach an agreement with your former partner in relation to financial issues and/or arrangements for the care of the children, it is important to seek advice concerning whether it is necessary or prudent to formalise that agreement.
This can be achieved either by the filing of a Consent Application in the Family Court or by having a financial agreement or parenting plan prepared and executed.
We can advise you in relation to these options, discuss the most appropriate action for you to take and the risks involved by not formally finalising any agreement.
An agreement arising from a Consent Application or financial agreement attracts only nominal stamp duty and capital gains tax rollover relief on most transfers of property.
Contact Us
Paynes Lawyers
2nd Floor,
11 Ventnor Avenue,
Postal Address:
PO Box 828,
T. (08) 9221 1771
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